Duluth East High School Class of 1994
Registration has closed. Please contact Jennifer Gutowski with questions. 218-626-7017

Welcome to the Duluth East High School Class of 1994 official reunion website!

 Thank you for a great 20th Reunion Weekend!!!


It was so wonderful to reunite with each other on our 20th year since graduation when memories of our times at East were still so vivid!

Thanks to all the donations to the "Save the Slides" fundraiser we should be able to digitize our Senior Slide Show to keep those memories crisp! 

(unless someone really wants to coordinate a 25yr...)

We will see you in Summer of 2024!  

Check back in here a year or two ahead to be sure we know where you are

Please be sure to check back for any updates just before the events, also visit our Facebook group 



Bookmark this website so that you can return to check out what’s new with your class, what events are being planned, see what your classmates have posted, and stay connected.


Use the buttons below to share this website with your classmates on the social networks so that they can join you here!


Use the "Contact Us" link to contact your reunion committee with your contact information and any questions you might have.


Your classmates are waiting to hear from you!

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Fax: (954) 241-5054
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